
Kokkos implements a programming model in C++ for writing performance portable applications targeting all major HPC platforms. For that purpose it provides abstractions for both parallel execution of code and data management. Kokkos is designed to target complex node architectures with N-level memory hierarchies and multiple types of execution resources. It currently can use OpenMP, Pthreads and CUDA as backend programming models. (Text provided by README in Kokkos source code repository).

Kokkos provides two types of abstraction which insulate the application developer from the details of expressing parallelism on a particular architecture. One is a "memory space", which characterizes where data resides in memory, e.g., in high-bandwidth memory, in DRAM, on GPU memory, etc. The other type is an "execution space", which describes how execution of a kernel is parallelized.

In terms of implementation, Kokkos expresses its memory and execution spaces via templated C++ code. One constructs memory spaces through "Views", which are templated multi-dimensional arrays. One then issues an execution policy on the data. The following snippet shows matrix-vector multiplication using Kokkos views and a "reduction" execution policy. It is taken from the Kokkos GTC2017 tutorial #2.

  const int N=128; const int M=128;
  Kokkos::View<double*>  x( "x", M ); // a vector of length N
  Kokkos::View<double*>  y( "y", N ); // a vector of length M
  Kokkos::View<double**> A( "A", N, M ); // a matrix of size  NxM

  Kokkos::parallel_reduce( N, KOKKOS_LAMBDA ( int j, double &update ) {
    double temp2 = 0;
    for ( int i = 0; i < M; ++i ) {
      temp2 += A( j, i ) * x( i );
    update += y( j ) * temp2;
  }, result );

Nested parallelism

Modern CPU architectures exhibit a hierarchy of parallelism, and an application must exploit the complete hierarchy in order to achieve good performance. Each level of the hierarchy is generally characterized by a group of execution resources which share a pool of memory.

On manycore CPUs such as Intel Xeon Phi, each processor contains ~70 cores, each of which supports 512 bit-wide SIMD instructions, and supports execution of 4 simultaneous hardware threads. On GPU-accelerated architectures, the host CPU has most of these same features, and the GPU often exhibits a very different type of parallelism - a GPU may feature many streaming multiprocessors, each of which executes a large number of threads, which are grouped into clusters which execute synchronously.

Kokkos addresses this hierarchy via nested parallelism. In particular, at each level of a loop nest one can choose which execution policy to use. For example, on Xeon Phi, one may wish to use multi-threading for the coarsest level of parallelism, and SIMD instructions for the finest level. On a GPU, one may wish to use multiple streaming multiprocessors as the coarsest level, and warps of threads as the finest level. One can achieve this with the following example code (taken from Exercise 6 of the GTC2017 tutorials):

for ( int repeat = 0; repeat < nrepeat; repeat++ ) {
  // Application: <y,Ax> = y^T*A*x
  double result = 0;

  Kokkos::parallel_reduce( team_policy( E, Kokkos::AUTO, 32 ), KOKKOS_LAMBDA (
  const member_type &teamMember, double &update ) {
    const int e = teamMember.league_rank();
    double tempN = 0;

    Kokkos::parallel_reduce( Kokkos::TeamThreadRange( teamMember, N ), [&] (
    const int j, double &innerUpdateN ) {
      double tempM = 0;

      Kokkos::parallel_reduce( Kokkos::ThreadVectorRange( teamMember, M ), [&]
      ( const int i, double &innerUpdateM ) {

        innerUpdateM += A( e, j, i ) * x( e, i );
      }, tempM );

      innerUpdateN += y( e, j ) * tempM;
    }, tempN );

    Kokkos::single( Kokkos::PerTeam( teamMember ), [&] () {
      update += tempN;
  }, result );

Benefits and Challenges


  • Provide good portability through the use of platform-dependent back-ends
  • Promote good programming practices


  • Generally C++ only (at present)
  • Do not represent recognized standards(yet)
  • Evolving quickly